Bobby Vent

Paragraph mentioning Bobby Vent, from an article at Ultimate Iditarod by Bill Gallea, interviewing Dan Seavey:

Back in 1973, there was no mandatory 24-hour break, and therefore no way to make up the time difference which resulted from a staggered start on the first day. This fact, plus a miscalculation, led to Dan taking third place in that year's race instead of second. He though he had started after Bobby Vent, who was mushing just ahead of him on the way into Nome. If that had been correct, he would only have had to complete the race within two minutes of Vent. That would have made his total time faster, and he would have finished in second place. But he had, in fact, started a few places in front of Bobby. He therefore would have had to finish ahead of him by at least whatever time difference occurred at the start.

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